I've included some writing here from the beginnings of a variety of children's stories this term.
I have been amazed quite frankly at the depth of language and scope of imagination in all the writing this year. Well done Room 5. Look on the e-portfolios for more writing.
I have been amazed quite frankly at the depth of language and scope of imagination in all the writing this year. Well done Room 5. Look on the e-portfolios for more writing.
The great plague of London
goals:use interesting words to engage the audience
The streets filled with pitch black darkness, not a sound echoed down the haunted brick streets and spilled with black rats with blood shot eyes and spreading faster than the eye could see. The wind whistled in the darkest part of the night. And shadows in the plated varnished windows screamed so loud that it echoed violently around the village . Death was out there above as striking one by one and tack the wrong path death will make you pay. People in the vacant distance fall to the old wooden floors faster than a metal could dart.
The towns light up in to a ball of fire deaf and thin metal sparkes
exploding on to the brick could streets. By Ben
The happy ever after life of the wheel
My goal:is to use paragraphs
Once upon a time there lived a cave man named Jimmy Red-bull.
Jimmy Red-bull was a very wise man , but he sometimes had a mind blank and said the wrong things. Jimmy Red-bull had a deep dark secret that only his best friend Sandy Beach new (Jimmy also new his secret) And that is where my story begins!By Meg
Goals: Deliberately use written and visual language features when appropriate to enhance my writing; e.g. similes, and metaphors. and use complex sentences that are grammatically correct.
chapter 1:
The doctors clinic.
As I walk down the agonisingly dirty street a cloud glides in front of the dimming sun, a shadow so dark you could easily mistake it for the night sky, casts itself over me as if a message from death himself. I finally arrived at my destination; 14 la’comre ( Lay-comp-ra ) lane AKA the dreaded doctors clinic!
I walk up the rotten oak stairs to the big birch double doors carved with jesus and the cup of christ. knock on the doors, the sound seems to echo around the whole village. The door opens revealing a man with a crooked nose and fair, close cropped silver hair that shone like polished steel in the light of the torch in the doorway he was in his mid-60’s. “Come in come in” he said, his voice sounded like one of a horse, all croaky and dry but it also had a thick italian accent. I cautiously enter the clinic, the rotten floorboards creak as I walk on them .
By Alex P
Goal: Use more paragraphs and put them in the right place, and to not make my story too long.
The Christchurch Quakes
I lay still on the dry, green grass. My body grew hotter in the ray of sunlight that beamed over me. The birds chirping away happily. Nothing could ruin this perfect sunny day. I heard my mum singing a tune while making some lunch for me and my sister. I spread my arms out and roll around in the fresh grass. I don’t even know what the purpose is of rolling around on the ground, but I guess I really like sunny days. My mind flows with the nice relaxing sound of birds and the crickets.
Hmm this seems weird I thought I had stopped rolling in the grass 2 minutes ago. I look around my fingers trembling with fear. I hear a bloodcurdling scream fill my ears as I realize that I was in the middle of a horrifying earthquake! My eyes widen in fear, as I look everywhere around me. Bits of the roof are cracking up and falling down onto the hard, wooden deck. By Elly Mae
Goals: To use interesting words to engage the reader and
Use a variety of different sentence starters.
Chapter one
Ring ring ring the doorbell violently rings. I suddenly get up with a jolt. As I approach the door and chilly turn the icy varnished nob I feel a brisk and gust of wind and it feels as if I am a dandelion being blowed out harshly. Then I timidly open the door to find a tall slim man of red with hair as thin as a lion’s mane and feet as big as a table. “Hello,” I say as I invite him in then my brain kicks into action like a lightning bolt struck it and I remember who this man of red is. It was Bruce Ashton.
By Cherry