Genius Hour Sharing

Here are some photos from our second Genius Hour sharing session from Charlotte's Grandma. It was a great success and it was amazing to have all of our wonderful parents come in and ask the tough questions of the presenters. Thanks!

New toys.

In  the holidays, I was lucky enough to attend ULearn 2015 in Auckland with a small group of HSS teachers. One highlight for me was geeking out on some new technologies like mbots, 3D printers, Occulus and makey makey. It was fun trying these out and thinking of applications for the classroom that are authentic and engaging that steer away from the 'toy' style of learning.  Watch this space.


Some Genius Hour videos

More to come....

src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hEfhUX4f6E0" width="600">

Reading for the 40 book challenge

We are reading up a storm at the moment in order to try and 40 chapter books for the year- or at least get as close as we can to this grand sum. If the class average of books read is higher than mine then the class can have a wee party on me. It is neck and neck at the moment! Please keep pushing your child to read chapter books they enjoy at home.


An invitation

We have our second Genius Hour sharing for the year on Thursday @ 1.30pm in the Senior Syndicate. Come one and all to be amazed at the true potential of student lead projects.