Enviro schools making a difference

A group of fantastic HSS kids are passionate about the environment and are keen to make a difference to our school and local community. We've had a few projects on the go recently. The first has been to expand the school orchard. We've planted another 8 fruit trees to add to last years. The trees have all had a good mulch and compost and last years have been pruned by Nancy our KEGS gardener with some of the KEGS kids.

The second has been the designing, building, painting and now placing of weta hotels around the school. These have been nailed to trees around the school in secret and public spots to engage the rest the of the school. So far no Weta have moved in to the Hotels-so our next steps is to research how to attract Weta into our safe and predator free environments.

Finally, we recently had 14 native trees donated to the school by Dean's Nursery as part of our Paper 4 Trees scheme-wherby the school recycles paper and 'earns' trees. We decided to restore an area of planting in the far left hand corner of the school where Waimea Road intersects with Van Dieman Street. We've planted Houheria (Lacebarks),  Ti Kouka (Cabbage Trees), Lancewoods, Manuka and Red Harekeke (Flax) while leaving pathways for the children to play and explore-without standing on the trees (we hope).

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